Commercial Security
Fire & Burglar Alarms
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Systems are designed to notify us of a Life-Safety emergency so that we can take action to protect ourselves, staff and the general public.
Fire Alarms are found in homes, offices, factories, and public buildings. They are part of our everyday routine but are often overlooked until there is an emergency, at which point, they might just save our lives.
Fire Alarm Systems can consist of Smoke, Heat and/or CO detectors, Manual Pull Stations and Audible/Visual devices. Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn personnel in the home or building that there may be a fire and to evacuate. In most residential and commercial environments, the fire alarm system should be connected to a 4G/5G Cellular Radio Communicator that would then alert the fire department via a central station monitoring center.
Burglar Alarm Systems
Burglar Alarm Systems are designed to detect intrusion and unauthorized entry into a building or other areas such as a home, office, or school. burglar alarm systems used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties protect against burglary (theft) or property damage, as well as personal protection against intruders.
The best burglar and fire alarm systems will reassure your family or employees that they are safe during the day and night. It will give them peace of mind and control of the situation in case of an intrusion or fire. A Burglar Alarm system can also be connected to a 4G/5G Cellular Radio Communicator that alerts the police department via a central station monitoring center.
Networking Solutions
Almost every business has an internet connection. Business networks enable multiple devices, i.e. PC's, phones, tablets etc. to connect to each other, and also to connect to the internet. Today most business networks will use a mixture of Ethernet and Wi-fi wireless networking technology and the TCP/IP networking protocol.
Smart Networking is the design of a Wi-Fi mesh network that allows devices to flow through the environment automatically connecting to the closest wireless access point to assure the strongest internet connection.

Access Control Systems
What is an access control system? When we talk about a physical access control system, we’re usually referring to an electronic security system. They typically use an access card or key fob to authorize people to gain access to enter certain areas; logging who accessed where and when, they can provide valuable data to help you track how your buildings and sites flow. They can also be used as a Time & Attendance feature to manage your payroll.
Why use an access control system instead of keys? Mechanical keys are the simplest form of physical access control and the method many smaller organizations use. But even for a small company, using mechanical keys has many flaws and limitations.
Below are just some of the most common problems presented by using mechanical keys.

Security Cameras
Security Cameras Systems is one of the cheapest prevention measures to protect your business and personal assets such as money, furniture and even intellectual property being under strict non-disclosure conditions. In simple words, electronic security will protect you from both external and internal theft. In businesses, theft and fraudulent actions remain mainly an inside job. Some top studies show that approximately 60% of fraud is committed by personnel. One way to prevent fraud is to have evidence against it and start using CCTV Security Cameras.
Intercom Systems
Audio & Video Intercom Systems
An intercom system is a two-way communication electronic device that contains circuitry for the purpose of transmitting and receiving audio and/or video transmissions. With the advent of cellular communication, digital telephone systems, and other communication devices, the use of intercoms has declined. However, there are still lots of applications where these devices still work better than anything else.
There are a very wide variety of systems available as defined below:

Wireless Intercoms:
In applications where wires cannot be run, a wireless system is used. There is a broad spectrum of two-way wireless communication devices that include such devices as handheld radios, outdoor wireless callboxes, as well as traditional desktop devices. The range these units will transmit varies widely based on the wireless technology used.

Wired Intercom Systems:
When you can run wires between locations, a wired system can give you a little more privacy and eliminate possible interference from neighboring systems. There are different wire types such as 2-wire shielded or Cat-5/6 that can be used with these systems. If you are considering a video system, a wired unit may be the best solution.

Video Intercom:
These typically have a unit that has a camera, speaker, and a push button that goes at an entrance door, and an internal monitor unit that can communicate with the entrance unit. Some systems can have multiple video monitors internally. Given the difficulty of sending video over the airwaves at very much distance without interference, most available units are wired.

Apartment Intercoms:
This type of system has a door unit at an entrance door and then each apartment or flat has either one or multiple units that can speak to the door and possibly see the visitor, or the door unit rings a landline or cellular telephone number. A visitor simply presses the correct button for the apartment they want to speak to, and the tenant can speak back and then press a button to unlock the door.